We take great pride, care and attention to carefully source and roast our coffee to the highest of standards. Our farmers spend year after year cultivating quality coffee cherries, picking and processing them meticulously. Then they pass this green coffee onto us so that we can roast excellent coffee. All this effort so that we can stand behind it as we pass on this refined material for you to finish your own creation.
From farm to table, over space and time - When we drink coffee, we weave moments together. We are a human pattern. A People-Tweed, made up of lots of variously scattered folks, enjoying some of the best coffees the world has to offer. We do our best to live up to our values starting at sourcing. We purchase coffee from many of the same producers year after year, working with amazing importing and exporting partners who help us find wonderful coffees the world over. All of these people are vitally important to the sustainability of the global coffee chain.

We all come from a place. It affects who we are. The same is true for any seasonal fruit, including coffee. From the earth in which the coffee grows, to the mill at which it is processed to the transportation of the green, all of those affect what the bean is and can be. Our goal is to coax the best out of it. For both blends and single origin offerings, we constantly rotate seasonal coffees throughout the year, optimizing bean freshness and character. Thus, we roast for terroir & personality, not for light or dark.